The maximum support we will provide for a event will be as follows;

  1. WellMade Network’s eMedia brands provide an event listing that includes a header image, 250-600 words of text, a secure outbound link, and a YouTube video link (if required) in the appropriate category.
  2. 1 Pre-Event Article on the News Portal (Max 750 Words | Max 3 Images | one secured outbound link, and a YouTube video link (if required)
  3. 1 Post-Event Article on the News Portal (600 – 750 Words | Max 3 Images with a YouTube video link (if required)
  4. The content about the event will remain on the news portal for at least 5 years.
  5. Event Banner for 15 Days on the News Portal (Based on Availability | Locations other than Billboard / Leaderboard on Desktop and Mobile versions of the News Portal)
  6. All articles published on the news portal will be shared on the social media accounts of the respective news portals, along with the official event hashtags, only if they meet our brand quality parameters.
  7. Event speakers or sponsors are entitled to publish their ads or related promotional articles on any of our eMedia brands at a 30% discount. To avail of this, an introduction from the official email of the event company or clear evidence of participation in the event must be provided. This offer is valid only for 60 days before and 90 days after the event.
  8. Participants regularly registered for events are eligible to publish promotional articles or any other forms of advertising on Trade World News or any of our other eMedia brands at a discounted rate of 20%. For this, an introduction from the official email of the event company or otherwise a clear proof of participation in the event should be provided. This offer is valid only for 60 days before and 90 days after the event.

Related Note: Secured Outbound Links added to the articles will only be active till the end of the Event to avoid broken link issues to the News Portal.